Week 9


Morning sickness is much better. I can eat anything; but still not eating a lot maybe even less than I did before I was pregnant and on top of that my doctor said I need to drink LESS water/liquids. You need to know that before I was pregnant I never drank water, it’s like my body didn’t need so much of it, I guess I was right, because I started to drink lots more, at least those 8 glasses a day. I’m thirsty and mostly drink ONLY water now. Doc says drinking so much water and peeing more, lowered my sodium. Well, that’s a first. But I am super thirsty all the time, my mouth goes dry 😦 I’ve already drank my 6 glasses a day and it’s only 5pm!

I have some cravings here and there nothing out of the ordinary, maybe those come later. I am now working for Google from home so I am bringing some sort of income in, not my usual income; but that’s OK. Thankfully hubby does pretty well for the both of us.

I’m sorry, this week seems to be a boring week for a blog, I guess better boring than anything else. My tummy is growing a little every day, I see the difference. In the last couple of days I’ve actually slept! Which has been nice 🙂 Next week another ultrasound, doc said she could probably tell if it’s a girl or a boy, really excited about that!

I decided for the nursery to use the logo I created for the blog and have it printed on a vinyl wall sticker, I want the nursery to be colorful, not just pink or blue. So can’t wait for next week!! Oh, the nursery is in our bedroom until we move, we are looking to buy a house; but the market has sky rocketed. Boo!

I never really told you guys about me, I am American-Italian (real Italian, not fake Italian like Lady Gaga. I speak Italian, I lived there and I am an Italian citizen). I have lived in several countries including, Germany, Italy, Switzerland and Spain. This is my second time I am living in the states. Last time I was 9 when we moved from Connecticut and now I reside in LA. I’ve been here for two years and it’s been OK. Don’t really like the city… “city”, I do not consider it a city more like a place with lots of small towns and peripheries. I really like La Jolla or San Francisco, that’s where I would like to live (for now); but hubby’s work is here.

You can say I am international, we are actually called TCKs (Third Culture Kids) and no I am not an army brat or a diplomat. My dad was in advertisement and believe or not we moved around because of his job. He was like the Spielberg of commercials in the 80s. Does Fahrvergnügen ring a bell?

Till’ next week Moonees 🙂

Week 7


I have had morning/evening/night/ sickness this week. Not that bad in comparison of some of the horror stories I heard; but none the less I haven’t felt at all well. I puked for the first time, thankfully I was already in the bathroom when I got this horrible nausea sensation. That’s mostly what I have been having, lots of nausea/acidity. There were days I could eat the world; but towards the end of the 7th week my stomach closed up. It prefers if I eat little bit every few hours than actual meals. So now I have my lunch for lunch and dinner because I can never finish it and I eat even slower than my usual self.

I am advising you the next paragraph has some graphic details, so feel free to skip it.

Good news, constipation is gone, hurray! Before I would sit on the toilette for 30 mins everyday just waiting for the slight urge that would quickly disappear. It was the only way that I could go everyday, if not there was times I wouldn’t for four days! But now everything seems to be moving swimmingly.

Every time I talk about the munchkin I always refer to it as her. Maybe it’s because I really want a girl; but I had two dreams about her. I even had a dream where I went to a doctor with my husband and the doctor was checking the ultrasound to tell us the sex. She asked “would you like to know the sex?”, for some reason I hesitated and said “Yes… No… OK… Yes”. I said No because I was afraid it was boy (I am terrorized about having a boy, for some reason, I find girls less complicated) and then the doctor said “It’s a…. girl”. She continued on explaining that it’s so hard to tell the sex when the fetus is only a blueberry, so it’s not like I dreamt of a future appointment, I dreamt I went to one in that moment of time, in my sleep. I believe in these things, on top of that I had another more futuristic dream where I was breast-feeding her, and you guest it, it was a HER again. Many years ago when I was about 22 years old I had a dream that I had a toddler and her name was Sophia. Now, the name Sophia never told me much before that dream; but after it, I started to love it. I guess in a few weeks we will tell 🙂

My mother comes from a small little town in south of Sardinia, it’s called Samassi. There we have town witches and a witch had showed my aunt how to predict if she is having a girl or a boy. Now this only works for the first child the mother is having with her male partner. I do not think this can work for surrogates or stuff like that.

Anyways, you take the FULL name, including middle name and last name of the mother and the father. Then you count all the letters, example my husband’s and mine equal to 50 letters in our names combined. Then you do 5+0= 5 (your result should be between 1-9). Mine was a 5.



Again it says girl. Now I tested this for everybody I knew that had a child and I knew their entire names, this worked for everybody, except one. My husband’s parents… I think they are keeping a secret hahaha

This worked for my parents, my aunt and many others… try it out and see if it worked for you! Let me know!

I’ve also been taking all these online gender quiz! I think to myself, well I will just take a bunch and work by percentile hahaha here are some websites I found:

Said I was having a girl






Ok, so they all say I am having a girl too. I think there was one test that said it was boy; but now that I am redoing them, as I add them to the blog, they ALL say girl 🙂 don’t know which one said I was having a boy.

Do you know any accurate ways to see if you are having a girl or boy?



Sushi Lover; but Pregnant?


So the biggest downfall for me is that I can’t eat anything raw… right now.

Right now because I am sure that once I do the Toxoplasmosis test I will be positive. I have had cats my whole life and have three cats right now. Apparently, even if I have had cats, it is possible that I have never been infected. I definitely do not want to risk it before I get the results.

What is Toxoplasmosis? Toxoplasmosis is an infection due to the parasite Toxoplasma gondii.

Apparently cats can give that to you and if they do – technically – you can eat raw foods. Not exaggerating of course, there is always the risk of food poisoning too; but technically you can eat it.

So, right now I have the excuse that I can not clean the kitty litter 🙂

Anyways, the other day we went to our favorite sushi restaurant, I was so bummed out that I could not eat my beloved phili roll (which is Philadelphia and raw salmon) or my albacore nigiri. You have no idea how much I LOVE, LOVE sushi. I mean, I basically ate it twice a week.

So… I ordered the teriyaki stake and rice. Then I realized that there ARE rolls for pregnant women!!

I asked my waitress to bake my salmon and make me a phili roll anyways, so no problem there.  Since you are allowed to eat grilled or baked salmon, that totally worked and it wasn’t at all bad. Keep in mind, it’s advised, to not eat more that 6 ounces of fish a day.

Then I asked for a California roll, because imitation crab is fully cooked!

I initially thought that when I went home, I would have to make myself some mac and cheese or something; but at the end I ate a lot!

So here is the list of safe Japanese dishes for pregnant women:

(I will update this if I come up with other stuff)

  • Phili Roll (with baked salmon, not raw)
  • California Roll (imitation crab, not sure with the real thing. You will need to ask)
  • Cucumber or Avocado Rolls
  • Nigiri: unagi (freshwater eel), anago (saltwater eel) and tamago (sweetened, cooked egg)- These are all cooked
  • Miso Soup
  • Their teriyaki selection (chicken, steak, baked salmon)
  • Edamame
  • Vegetable Tempura

Don’t forget you can always ask your waiter for a list of cooked sushi too!

Do you guys have any other suggestions I could add to the list?






Week 6


Week 6 has been great, no morning sickness a part from random nausea and cramping, it’s been an ideal week. I truly hope this doesn’t mean it’s a boy! I read that if you have less morning sickness and crave protein it’s more likely to be a boy and if you have a lot of morning sickness and crave fruit it’s a girl. Well, I have no morning sickness; but crave fruit!

The thought of having a boy scares me more, I guess it’s because I am not one so do not know boys. I never had a brother, only an older sister. I just do not understand them at all. On top of that, I have no names. While, with a girl, I know exactly what to expect and have a million of names.

My mother-in-law and brother-in-law arrived last week, I gave her the news. She was over the moon, she’s so happy! She can’t to meet the little munchkin! We went to San Diego this weekend, I stood under the umbrella and had plenty of sun lotion on. I’ve always sat under the umbrella anyways, so not much a change there for me as I am faired skinned.

It’s been annoying going to restaurants everyday, all I wanted to do was go back home and eat fruit. It took me two days before I had any fruit. Another thing that I craved, which is unusual for me as I never ate much fried food, is that I really like Chicken tenders. On top of that i went to one my favorite Mexican Restaurants and add their salsa with chips! I never eat the salsa, it’s too spicy; but now I love it!!! You have no idea how weird that is for me, I couldn’t eat anything spicy before NOTHING, not even just a little bit. I always found it too spicy! My mom must be laughing up high at me, she always tried to trick me and would sometimes try to add a little red hot pepper in her pasta sauce, she was Italian, and check if I would notice. I would always notice! No matter how little she put, I could always tell. You see mom, now you could have gone and made me some spicy pasta and I wouldn’t have minded! Instead, you decided to die on me. Not cool.

My father is also sick; but nothing deadly… which makes it even worse than cancer. 10 years ago my dad was diagnosed with encephalitis, which causes lesions in the brain. What does that mean, it means that the information that passes through the brain is road blocked by the lesions and that information would have to find another way around to get to it’s destination. Which means, eye site, sense of balance, coordination… everything. My dad had lost a chunk of his past memories, which he would slowly recuperate. After that he was diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis, which also affects the brain. Lets just say that what is left of my dad is only the shadow of the man he used to be. One thing, I have to say, is that he usually would never forget recent information given to him.

I talked to him the other day and I had told him my news already over a week ago and since then we spoke twice. For some reason, that time, he had forgotten completely that he was going to become a grandaddy. I was shocked, I thought he was joking; but no he was serious, he seriously thought I never told him. I recorded his reaction to the news, the first time around, so I have evidence he knew. He told me that it happens, it happens that he forgets things. I said, what are you talking about?! You forget the day of the week it is or that you have an appointment, because you forget the day of the week; but you never forget important things! That utterly upset me, which I know I need to stay calm; but how? I’m completely losing the last parent I have, I already I feel like an orphan; but common! I just need to focus and think on how fortunate I am to be pregnant and not think how life is unfair. It could be worse, I know that. I spoke to my dad’s care taker and they also noticed that is more confused than usual. I guess that means more exams.

I just need to stay calm and relax, relax and stay calm. DO NOT STRESS over things you can not control! Actually, just do not stress and see the positive side to everything. The positive side of my dad forgetting that I am pregnant is that I get to surprise him every time! That’s fun… I guess…

Week 5


So far so good, for half of the week I had cramping, nausea/acidity, and that sleepiness I talked about before. The other half of the week, just slight cramping. In the middle of the week I had my first “Morning Sickness”; but not the vomiting kind, apparently morning sickness does not refer to only throwing up, it can also go the other way. It only happened once because at the end of the week I felt OK. All I am dealing with is tiresome, lower back ache, slight cramping and bumping/hiccups. If I had to go through the whole pregnancy like that, it would be easy… I guess its like the calm sea before the big storm?

Right now the fetus, from now I will call it Munchkin, is as big as a apple seed. It has the eye sockets on the side of the head, 80% of its organs are setting up and its skeleton is also being formed. The cramping I am feeling is because the Munchkin is doing a bit of feng shui in my belly, apparently it didn’t like its new home and decided to move some organs around. The other thing I can’t do as much is sitting down, at one point I cramp up and need to put my legs up. What I’ve been doing, to make the aches feel betters, is going swimming. I usually would do free style, this may sound stupid, but I don’t want to hold my breath so I breaststroke. I do it until I can’t do it anymore, until my legs and arms are aching.

fetus at 5 weeks

Fetus at 5 weeks

I am currently reading a book called “Your Pregnancy Week by Week”, which is really cool because now I can’t wait to read it on Tuesday, when my 6th weeks supposably starts. To figure out how far a long you are, it’s quite easy, just google it!

Here are some links:



Very easy, if you do not know the date you conceive just put the first day of your last period. For example mine was the 2nd of July 2014 and it calculated 40 weeks, which comes to the 8th of April 2015.

My mom passed away suddenly last year on April 4th and her 61st birthday was only two days later, on April 6th. Meaning my child might be born on the same day as my mom, which is quite fitting because if it’s a girl… I mean BECAUSE IT’S A GIRL, I wanted to name Munchkin after her, Rosanna AKA Roxy. Her full name would be Rosanna Valentina. Valentina because both my best friend and my husband’s best friend are named Valentina, so it’s fitting. Plus my Valentina will be the godmother of the child, so we have decided back in middle school, in fact, when I told her I said “Are you ready to become a godmother?”.

The sudden passing of my mother, who was also my best friend, confidant the only person who would always have my back and would give me unconditional love, is probably the reason why it took me a year to conceive. Apparently it caused me a lot of stress, I still cry everyday; but since I found out about Munchkin, I try not to.

I still can’t believe this is happening! And tomorrow my husband’s mother and brother are coming from Italy to visit us. She is the one that wanted us to have a child the most, so we decided not to tell his family until we were able to surprise his mother. I bought a a bib and a frame that say “I love my grandma”, the bib is orange, so not blue or pink and the frame is colorful. They should actually arrive today! We will give it to her, while I film the whole reaction to her opening the present. It’s going to be so much fun!

Will keep you posted!

The Discovery


It’s been over a year since my husband and I first started trying to conceive. To my dismay, it just never happened. We would try and try and try and… nothing. We first started in July of 2013, three months after my mother suddenly passed away to lung cancer. The shock of my life; but also a lesson that life comes and goes, it was time. It was time for my husband and I to start a life of our own. I love children, since I was younger I was always told I would be a good mother, just the way I was with the younger children and how I would hold my friend’s hand when we would jaywalk across the street, taking charge. I guess the protectiveness I always shared with others, is the reason I was told that and the reason I couldn’t wait to become a Mommy!

Something happened to me the first time we tried to conceive because I spotted about 6 days after. I was so sure I was pregnant!  I never spotted in my life and my period was weeks away. I started feeling blotted, uncomfortable, soar boobs I would take test after test and they were all negative, then my period came one week earlier, that has never happened to me before. Ever since then my period became irregular, which was weird because it used to me like Swiss time.

In October of 2013, we went to the doctor for an annual check-up. I told him that we were trying to conceive so he ordered some extra blood tests, that’s when I discovered I had Hypothyroidism. Which means my thyroid gland does not produce enough thyroid hormone, to be exact I was only producing 5%. The doctor was amazed that I never ended up at the hospital because it was so low. On top of that, that hormone is essential to get pregnant and said that we were lucky to have caught it because if I did get pregnant there was a high risk of a miscarriage. I wonder if that is what happened to me in August… who knows.

I started to get my thyroid in order and in February of 2014 it finally stabilized. We were still trying in the mean time; but of course nada. That May I tried the ovulation kid, everyday since the day after my period ended I would pee on that damn stick and wait (BTW best to do it late afternoon/night), I was almost at the end of my 20 sticks and very close to my next period when the stick finally turned purple. I ovulated quite late and very close to my next period, is it normal? I do not know, one doc said yes, the other said no. At least I knew now that I did indeed ovulate, so it was good news. In June my period lasted me two weeks, so weird and then again in July, it started the 2nd and ended the 14th. I finally went to the gynecologist again, at that point there must have been something wrong with me. Maybe I was going through early on-set menopause or something. I did get my period when I was only 11, maybe I could get menopause at 29!

So I went to the gyno, I was ready to get tested to see what was wrong with me or what was wrong with my husband; but everything looked good, she palpitated my breasts which I explained to her they were hurting for two weeks. She laughed a said “Maybe you are already pregnant”, I replied “Doubtful!”. She explained that it would happen quite often that women will come in ready to find out why they can’t get pregnant and then they will call back two weeks later “I’m Preggers!”. As she said that to me I looked at her and though “maybe she’s a witch and I am in fact pregnant right now!”. She even did a ultrasound, by sticking a very long tube down there, very uncomfortable. She said my ovaries look good a part from one that was a bit, which she explained by her expression of sad and bent over; but nonetheless it was normal, I might have recently ovulated. I asked her “IF I were pregnant, would you be able to see something?”. She said that it would be way to early to see anything. She took a blood test to check all my hormones as my periods were lasting too long and that was that.

My period was supposed to arrive and i was already on my 34th day of my cycle. It was later than usual so I took a pregnancy test; but of course it was negative. I had this pregnancy test left over from a neighbor that gave me some boxes, you know the cheap kind. On my 37th day of my cycle still no sign of Mrs. P., so I took a clear blue test, in the morning, and laid it on the floor of my shower and finished my business. I almost had forgotten about it until I was about to leave the bathroom and remembered and checked it, it said PREGNANT. My first second reaction was like OK, then it went to OMG to OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG. my husband was still in bed and I had always fantasized surprising him with M&Ms blue, pink and yellow. One M&M would say YOU ARE, there other GOING, then TO BE A, and finally DADDY!  I would give this to him as a present and he would have to figure out the hidden message; but that idea went out of the window. I was way to excited I had to tell him now!! But how? So with quick thinking I put the pregnancy test under my arm pitt and went back to bed. He was sleeping and I turned on the light and said “Darling, I do not feel well at all. Can you check my thermometer?”, He was a little startled; but understood and I handed him the test; but of course he was trying to read a thermometer and in the mean time I recorded the whole thing! He looked at me in shock and then smiled and stretched as he was just waking up and told “Take another one”. He didn’t believe me! He said I think I am pregnant every month, which is so not true. So I drink a bottle of water and do it again, this time I bring both tests as he is showering and told him “See!!!”. He was still in shock and i was jumping up and down and said “OMG I have to tell my family!”, to which he replied “No we need to wait until three months”. I said “Who cares?! I do not understand why we have to wait! If something does happen, people will know and that will be that. They will know not to ask me if I am pregnant yet”. They’ve been asking me that for almost two years! At least for now they can all shut up! haha

I recorded everybody’s reaction, my dad is on top of the moon, my sister was crying from joy. My grandfather couldn’t believe it. My other side of the family, where I have 5 older cousins -including my sister- who are not married and childless where in complete shock. I was the second youngest, how could little Simi be married and pregnant?!  Isn’t it funny how I am pregnant exactly a year after we started trying and what is up with the voodoo witch doctor? I do not believe in coincidences, she must have liked me because while I was at her office I fixed her computer, the mouse wasn’t working. You see good deeds do not go unseen.

What have I learnt from this experience? If you really want something to happen and doesn’t, just give up and relax because only then will things start happening! Who ever said never to give up on your dreams obviously never tried to get pregnant. 😉